Church for All Age Groups

EXPLORE CHURCH this Sunday in Newcastle & Blyth
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Great Church
Great for Adults, Teens and Kids
Trys us Out This Sunday

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Getting to Know Each Other

"Exploring church for the first time takes a step. We would warmly invite you to make that step this Sunday & try us out in person. Come as you are - it's casual. Most of all we want you to enjoy your visit and find peace with God.
Tim and Allison - Church Pastors
Tim and Allison - Church Pastors
Gospel Community Church Leaders

5 Reasons To Take a Closer look

  1. Come to know & feel the presence of God here
  2. Friendship - come and find friends
  3. You'll find dynamic music and great preaching using God's Word, the Bible, as our guide for Life 
  4. Youth - Kids and Teens love being together and are a great part of this church
  5. Students from both Newcastle University and Northumbria University, and Newcastle College love it 

What Can I Expect?

"In total a typical service is about 60-80 minutes." Michael Brown - Pastoral Team 
  • Services begin with music.
  • Song lyrics are projected onto the screen so you can sing along. 
  • After the music part of service there are some notices about ‘What's on this Week’. 
  • The pre- school, children & Teens go and enjoy their meetings, as one of our pastors / leaders comes to share an encouraging and hope-filled message from the Bible about Jesus and how to apply this in your life.  
  • If you'd like, there is an opportunity for one to one personal prayer about any issue at the end of every meeting.
  • There's refreshments at the end and chance to socialise & meet people  
  • We want you to come away feeling - "Wow I'm better for meeting with God and with a great bunch of people". 
That's what Sundays are all about!"  

Friends and Partners

We are a Mainstream Christian church and enjoy and benefit from all kinds of links with lots of other organisations and people. We use the Explore Magazine working with many churches across our region and are part of the Go Global Family of Churches. We help the homeless through Streetworx - our street feeding program out on the streets every Saturday and Sunday. 
Find us on Facebook and in the Streetworx section. Click the icons below to find out more about our partnerships!

Please have a good Look Around

Use the top menus. Or if you've seen enough to give us try, why not plan a visit?

Here's What People Say...

Snapshot of our Google Reviews

Here's some Screen shots of what people have said about visiting both meetings at Newcastle 11 AM and Blyth 4:30PM

Praising God

In all our meetings we want people to connect with the Lord and enjoy Praising Him. Our kids are passionate worshipers and our music & tech teams give it their all.

Explore Magazine

Partnering with 26 other great churches across our city we aim to deliver for free Explore Magazine / Luke's Gospel to every household in the city. This church is part of it!


Volunteers from across our region donate time and resources help the homeless on the streets of Newcastle. To find out more about Streetworx and volunteer click here.